Nanuuk! Nanuuk!-reviews
Nanuuk! Forum
text: the inuit - hunter of the arctic
arctic links
deutscher Text zu Nanuuk!
Info international

Hint: all questions refer to the old version of Nanuuk! rules
(same rules but not well translated)

*Just to make sure of one last point:* (long)
Ken Hill interviewed Günter Cornett by email (converting animals into
equipment - end of game - 2/3-player board - pick up a second inuk)

random piece setup:
question from Clay Blankenship and answer

double move:
question from Rob van Wijngaarden and answer

ice crack - double move - end of game:
three questions from Josh Bluestein and answer

Every igloo is everyone's home.
oops, there were some questions left after Ken Hills interview

Please sent us your question or comment about Nanuuk! !


Nanuuk! Nanuuk!-reviews
Nanuuk! Forum
text: the inuit - hunter of the arctic
arctic links
deutscher Text zu Nanuuk!

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