english text about Kahuna
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Kahuna - South Seas Magic For Two

2 players: 12 Islands - 24 cards - 2 x 25 bridges - 2 x 10 controll pieces
Kahuna-BeispielFor each card a player plays, he places a bridge at the island which is termed on the card. To occupy the majority of an islands bridge places means to controll the island.

For controlling the most islands the player gets victory points at the end of every scoring turn.

Example: Black controlls ALOA and HUNA, White DUDA.

Kahuna-BeispielKahuna-BeispielWhite play card 'DUDA' (or card 'BARI') and connects DUDA and BARI by placing a bridge. White has got the majority on BARI and removes the black bridge between ALOA and BARI.

By playing the card 'BARI' (or 'ALOA') White places a bridge at ALOA-BARI, gets the control of ALOA and removes the black bridge ALOA-HUNA.

Kahuna-BeispielBlack plays the card 'HUNA' (or ALOA), gets control of HUNA and removes the white bridges DUDA-HUNA and ELAI-HUNA.

Then Black plays the card 'ELAI' (or 'HUNA'), and gets the control of ELAI. The white bridges BARI-ELAI and DUDA-ELAI are removed, so that White looses the control of DUDA, because White's majority of DUDA is broken.

You'll find englisch rules of Kahuna at boardgamegeek.com.

Because of Kahuna is nearly the same game as Arabana-Ikibiti I recommend to have a look at the rules of Arabana-Ikibiti and even the rules specification.

The Kahuna rules are very close to the 'american rules' of Arabana-Ikibiti.

Arabana-Ikibiti-Kritiken Arabana-Ikibiti
english text about Kahuna
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