Down Under Tokugawa - reviews Young game designers
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Strategy and tactic game für 2 players aged 10 years and up

Hint: second edition


Tizian and Victor, the two boys who designed the game with Günter Cornett's support, got first inspiration by risk, but Tokugawa is much more.

It's semi-historic. The towns are all with the names of 1615, the streets are very close to the streets in 1615. The conflict is about rivality between Kyoto (Tenno) and Yedo (Shogun). Tokugawa moved the main city from Kyoto to Yedo. But in reality the tenno never fought against the Shogun. So it's a bit 'history-fantasy' (fantasy scenario in real historical situation).

Important is influence of weather, what is also a reference to historical situation.

There is a special economic system:
The 2 players start with each 15 Koku.
The 9 provinces start with each 5 Koku.
Nearly all actions cost money and are to be paid into the province where the action is done (attac, buying samurai or buildings).


The player who has the majority can get taxes from that province, f.e. 3 red samurai and 1 blue samurai in Chubu mean: red can get 3-1=2 Koku from Chubu bank. There is no external bank.

The fight system is: rolling two usual dice and a weather dice. High number wins, but weather dice is against attacker. You can support attack and defense by having other samurais around the attacked samurai. Each support means: roll again the dice for a new result (if you want). Sometimes movement (and attack) isn't possible because of weather.

During the game the player get taxes from their own provinces and pay for actions, especially into opponent or neutral provinces. This is an increasing threating of going bankrupt. The neutral provinces where both players have the same number of samurai get richer during the players provinces loose money.

Aim is to capture opponent capital or to get most victory points. Victory points you get for situation on board and for special cards (f.e. ocuppy these 5 cities). The cards are common, alway 3 of them face open near the board, referring to different regions of Japan (1 north, 1 middle, 1 south).


Hint second edition:

The boxes for the pieces are made of transparent plastics (1. edition: metal).

  60-120 minutes
Designers:  Tizian Blumenthal
Victor Gilhaus
   Graphics: Carsten Fuhrmann

Down Under Tokugawa - reviews Young game designers
Info international


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