Greentown Greentown - reviews Greentown
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The long way round is the reward for 2 - 4 players aged 10 years and up    


    Sleepy Greentown has decided to open itself up to outsiders. Nature, cultural, sporting and shopping sites are to be created to satisfy the tastes of various tourists.

    During a turn decide whether to expand Greentown’s street grid and at the same time erect your own buildings or to lead a tour through the town.

    Sometimes you will need to use opponents’ buildings and share the profits.

    Greentown: Spielmaterial

Greentown: Cover


  • 4 sheets of pasteboard
        with hexes and other
        components (picture left)
  • 16 cards (picture below)
  • 42 wooden pieces
        (buildings, trees)


      About issue:

      The games of my company are often numbered but usually not limited. I claim the right to publish further issues in my own or another company. But in most case there will be no further issue.

      The first issue of Greentown is 350 games. The first 275 games were produced in known box of Bambus Spieleverlag. These games are sold out. Further games are available in a folded box similar to the box of tactic blue.

      Because of overprint there will be a second run of 50 games. Printed in small numbers the material of the cards will be of a bit lower quality (160g).

      Beyond this I don't plan further issues of Greentown (as things are now, February 2007).
      45-60 Minutes
    Designers:  Günter Cornett
    Michael Uhlemann
       Graphics:  Ro Sato
    (Cover: Ro Sato, Toshi Sato)

    Greentown Greentown - reviews Greentown
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